From Excel to R (Mar/Apr 2025)

A 2-day introductory course targeted towards SUND researchers with no (or very limited) experience in R
The course will spend time on making participants familiar with Rstudio, directory paths, scripts, R-projects, help functions, shortcuts, etc., to ensure that the users will have a solid understanding of the practicals before diving into using the scripting language itself.
The course is taught mainly using the R-framework tidyverse, a variety of R-functions and syntax which make data-wrangling much more intuitive for first time R-users.
Tidyverse will form the basis for the other major focal point of the course, that is, plotting with ggplot2.
The outcome of the course is to provide participants with the basic skills for manipulating and setting up data for visualisation.
➡️ If you are an employee, sign up here
➡️ If you are a PhD student, the registration deadline has passed.
Course Disclaimers:
- The course is free of charge and intended for all KU researchers, and especially PhD students, at SUND
- A no-show fee will be implemented for registrants who do not attend the course
- If you are a PhD student and you would like to receive ECTS credits for participating in this course, you must enroll through the PhD school system
- If you are not a PhD student and sign up via the PhD school registration link, you will be charged for the course
- Please be advised that course participation via the PhD school happens under the PhD school's terms and conditions which HeaDS has no influence over