Git & Github (October 2024)

Git and Github logo

A 1-day introductory workshop for researchers who are interested in learning how to share their code and reports with group members or external collaborators.

The course also encompasses editing, improving, and maintaining scripts with multiple contributors. 

The one-day workshop will introduce version control, branching, and resolving conflicts in git and, more generally, how to efficiently collaborate on this platform. The workshop will include a hands-on exercise in which participants can try out their newly acquired knowledge.

Participants may have no (or only very little) experience in working with git and GitHub. 

However! We will be using git through the command line, so we expect workshop participants to know the basics of Linux command line use, e.g. moving/making files, copy, download, etc.

If you have not worked on a terminal before, you are still welcome to join the first part of the workshop, which will include an introduction to the graphical interface GitHub, but you may not be able to do the second part of the workshop which includes exercises using the git language. (Check out our course "Maximize your computer's potential: Mastering the terminal with Bash and Unix" in the meantime!)



➡️ If you are an employee, sign up here

➡️ If you are a PhD student, sign up here


Course Disclaimers: 
      • The course is free of charge and intended for all KU researchers, and especially PhD students, at SUND
      • A no-show free will be implemented for registrants who do not attend the course
      • If you are a PhD student and you would like to receive ECTS credits for participating in this course, you must enroll through the PhD school school system
      • If you are not a PhD student and sign up via the PhD school registration link, you will be charged for the course
      • Please be advised that course participation via the PhD school happens under the PhD school's terms and conditions which HeaDS has no influence over